and the mimeograph revolution


edited by Larry Smith and Ingrid Swanberg

This new book from Bottom Dog Press includes a chronology of levy's life and work, photographs of levy and his contemporaries, biographical essays, interviews, memoirs, critical appreciations, levy's correspondence, color reproductions of levy's art work, a generous selection of levy's lexical and visual poetry, collages, and the 2006 DVD of Kon Petrochuk's documentary film on levy, "if i scratch, if i write." Contributors include Michael Basinski, Andrew Curry, Allen Frost, John Jacob, T.L. Kryss, Mark Kuhar, Jim Lang, Joel Lipman, Douglas Manson, rjs, Russell Salamon, Ed Sanders, Larry Smith, Ingrid Swanberg, Kent Taylor, Karl Young.

cover by d.a.levy

264 pages; 7 X 10; perfect bound
ISBN-10: 1-933964-07-3; ISBN-13: 978-1-933964-07-2
$25 + $3 shipping (media rate) or $4.50 (priority)

Bottom Dog Press
P.O. Box 425
Huron, OH 44839

Also available from:

Ghost Pony Press
P.O. Box 260113
Madison, WI 53726-0113



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