Fish Drum

FISH DRUM Magazine, founded in 1988 by Robert Winson (1959-1995), now edited by Suzi Winson, is a literary review that appears on the horizon in perfect-bound book form as the ultimate beach read for Bodhisattvas. FISH DRUM has a soft spot for schmoozy, emotional, imagistic stuff... also literate, personal material that sings and surprises...a place to discover zen oddities, carnivores, assorted larvae, immolation craters and wayward dragons. FISH DRUM has published works by Philip Whalen, Joy Harjo, Arthur Sze, Nathaniel Tarn, Alice Notley, John Brandi, Steve Richmond, Jessica Hagedorn, Leo Romero, Anne Valley-Fox, Judith Barry, Thomas Zummer, and Miriam Sagan.

Directions: Read. Think. Read some more. Chuckle. Ponder. Drop your Fish Drum in the bathtub. Buy another one. Order 12 as party favors. Recite several Fish Drum poems on public transportation in your best monotone. Notice how inexpensive poetry is.

Send check or money order to:
FISH DRUM, P.O. Box 966, Murray Hill Station, NY NY 10156.



Fish Drum #16 is out January 2001.

Michael Rothenberg's The Paris Journals (October 2000) is now available through Fish Drum, Inc., for $11.

Fish Drum Inc., is publishing a graphic novel
by Thomas Zummer, due out one of these days.



"Very broad and inviting"
--Fact Sheet Five
"Fish Drum wails"
--The New Mexican
"A good chew"
--Taos News
"Built for the long haul"
--General Motors
"For me it was so tasty"
--Julia Child
"The fishies seem to like it"



Fish Drum #12


Fish Drum #13


Fish Drum #14


Fish Drum #15


Fish Drum #16

phone: 212-947-2440
fax: 212-947-2305

check us out at