In the Seasons of My Eye


In the Seasons of My Eye
Martin Matz
Goodie Publications, ISBN 0-9708476-3-7

An eclectic collection of poetry, fiction and anecdotes by the late Martin Matz, who rose to the top alongside Jack Kerouac, Bob Kaufman and Ginsberg in the San Francisco Beat scene, only to leave for Mexico months before the Beat explosion. Marty Matz managed to elude the big time fame but not the infamy. Includes his well-known collection, Pipe Dreams, with an intro by Herbert Huncke, and additional introductory texts by Roger Richards and Gerald Nicosia.

"This guy sings it out
The guy lives it
We need more like Marty Matz."
--Jack Michelene
"Martin Matz can successfully blend the strange and fascinating dream level reality with the mundane daily experience most perfectly, weaving perfect magic. Nor does it matter what dreams and memories compose the substance of our future. The moment is all. Marty has lived the moment, and his poetry speaks of it."
--Herbert Huncke
"Martin Matz's poetry is a song of transformations, a celebration of life's ceaseless progress from wonder to loss to fresh wonder: stunningly precise memories of the self's pilgrimage across ghastly and glorious landscapes of consciousness."
--Gerald Nicosia
"Martin Matz fulfills the promise of the "deep image" grafted onto American poetry from SpanishSurrealist roots. He presents a new music of magical sonorities, a universal chant of startling beauty."
--Harold Norse
"The poems of Martin Matz are sincere fulgurations. They blend color and hard objects which bounce upon rough edges. They follow a line of emotional thought. They speak of the teeth of mountains."
--Howard Hart
"Martin Matz is organic Surrealism--Wondrous Word paintings."
--H.D. Moe
"This guy Marty loves me--I am tough to like no less love--I love him and his poesy."
--Gregory Corso