Catherine Daly




family men
workers side by side with their colleagues
observe and report changes to the landscape
digging a tunnel, which became their headquarters
digging a trench from there to the airport to lay telephone cables

service restored
signs of war erased
collaboration is reconstruction                        REM       sleep
                                                                                            fables       dream


               collars, ceilings of glass      fixtures
put the workers to work

unemployed workers can work during the war
                                                             for the war
                                                             at the war
higher pay              hazard pay

pitch in
do your bit              from each, to each

keeping "place" as "power"


                               economy               pinch, scrimp, save
increase the values                            effort

nation building       mother of the nation
nationalization                       family                    values
purity                       give me your trust

obsession with getting them, getting them back
                 back to that place
                 fall-back position
                 plan A, plan B

easily given up by their superiors


in Chanteuse / Cantatrice
[factory school publications]

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