no last words
by Ingrid Swanberg
". . . part of the problem is that the other shore IS HERE, NOW
& we are someplace else." –d.a.levy,
introduction to The 18th Dynasty
Egyptian Automobile Turnon
by D. r. Wagner
Several days, perhaps a week or more, after
d.a.levy's suicide, packages he had mailed
via third class rate to various friends around the
country began arriving, like the raining down from a huge
explosion. My envelope contained eight pages of color
prints torn from a magazine or book on Buddhist Tantric
art from 12th to 16th century Bhutan and Ladakh monasteries,
three black-and-white movie stills from Cannes 1955, another black-
and-white still (without an annotation) of Buddha giving
teachings to a group of white-robed and bejeweled young women in a
grove of bodhi trees, a photocopy of a cartoon from the
Daily Express, dated March 8th 1966, and depicting
two teachers pulling a kid with an opium pot and pipe
out of the line, an Internationale situationniste
comic strip, a nude photography magazine, and a large
reflective silver foil card, on the surface of which are cat paw
prints in what looks like clay slip. Looking through these
things today, I discovered for the first time, tucked
into the skin magazine, a note to levy from Aileen
Goodson responding to The Buddhist 3rd Class Junkmail
Oracle #13, saying it was "first class in our
opinion," and promising to send ANKH #5 soon.
Finding this, as I read the salutation, "dear d.a.levy," I
experienced an echo of what I felt when I pulled the
package out of the mail long ago. The manila envelope
had been used before. The original postal stamp reads,
"SAN BRUNO, CALIF.," and is partially obscured by brown
paper tape applied to mask the prior address and to
give a fresh surface for mine. We all re-used envelopes
in those days. My name is written in lower case letters;
the rest is in caps, except "Apt B" and the "o" of
SACRAMENTo." (The address adds my old apartment
number to the address of the house next door, into
which I had moved the previous spring.) There is no
return address. Four six-cent Chief Joseph stamps have a
cancel mark indicating "CLEVELAND." It was seeing this that
set my heart racing. I tore the envelope open in the vain
hope of finding a letter. Lost on me at that moment
was the realization that levy had already said everything he
was going to say and that this package was simply intended
as a gift, as materials to be used for collage. The absence
of the slap-in-the-face direct Zen communication that
made levy's letters, for me, unforgettable events, gave
the envelope and its assembled contents an aura producing
the same effect. I puzzled over the foil card, seeing the
faint reflection of my own face, and then lay the package
aside. As he was always saying, words really cannot say.
Early on in levy's correspondence with me, as with others,
he sent me a mimeographed copy of Harold S. Schroeppel's
Lessons in Advanced Perception. I don't know who
printed this. There is no press name; only the title, author
and date (1960) are given. It is stapled into plain,
lightweight yellow paper covers, and has the look and feel
of much of the mimeo stuff of the time. Like others who
received the Lessons, which focus on telepathy, I tried
the first few lessons and then slowed down when I
began to get results that were unsettling (Schroeppel
continually advises the practitioner to 'take it easy'). Lesson
7 takes up the dream technique for seeing and knowing the
future. There are instructions for recording clear and
vivid dreams characterized by images from the real world, for
checking these later on for accuracy regarding events
that were predicted in the dream, and for recording
daydreams. There are exercises for people working as a
team. There is also advice on coping with knowledge of the
future and on the importance of sorting-out standard
illusions about the future (which are often actually
images of past events) from genuine future visions,
and so on. Schroeppel adds that knowledge of the
future may be contained in sensations, emotions or
opinions about something, and not only in dream
images. Other lessons take up the completion of cycles
of desire, "genetic memory" (sometimes called
remembrance of past lives), control of the future, and so on.
In a letter postmarked 2 March 1968, levy responded to
a letter of mine that had expressed anxiety about something
I had felt about the immediate future:
rjs confronts draft
john scott two years in the workhouse
yes, tell don it is coming sooner than
we expected. . . . .i don't have time to feed
yr hallucination
don't write to me from yr mind or yr eye
write from yr box
the change will do you
good/ if you cant do it
stop writing
It was a slap that woke me up enough to think about my
writing, but not enough for me to really hear the
words, "i dont have time. . ." It was not that I was trying his
patience, as in 'i dont have time for this'; it was that his
actual time was running out and that he saw this clearly: "i
dont have time" 'Part of the problem is due to the nature
of language itself, and levy was keenly aware of this.
last night I couldnt sleep
& took some sodium amytal
sailors wear
blue jackets & read
the Blue Jacket Manual
in boot camp
that's not quite the
same thing, but
you can easily
see how communication
becomes difficult
such as
if i say
"last night i took a blue jacket
(pause) to sleep
period, question mark
or exclamation mark?
Now/ some half-fruit cop
in Poughkeepsie thinks the
first lines in my poem
are obscene because i
i sleep with guys
& sodium amytal is
french for sum
dirty act
- "praps(I) two"
The irony is that levy was trying, in every way, to be heard
clearly. But people were not really hearing him. He writes
in Kibbutz in the Sky:
one political poet
soon dressed in ivy league
pin-stripped overalls
laying on a bed in the
poorly-lighted county jail
not waiting GOING
a few hours later
cash bond posted by a
nuclear physicist
& now i am on my way
home / legs & arms
still numb
no one seems to want to
understand that
not waiting, THAT DAY
i made a direct call
to death & he answered
We need to ask ourselves, what home was he now on his
way to, "GOING" to? In The North American Book of the
Dead, he had written, "my loneliness is only to
return / to an ancient home." levy wrote of his intention to
commit suicide again and again. In
Suburban Monastery Death Poem:
The mailman tells me he was a writer
but he decided he likes to eat
so much for how America keeps her
writers in line
if i have any courage
next week ill kill myself
every week i tell myself that
& find something new to write about
or find a new way to say what i sed
last week
Yet when the news of his suicide came, people were
stunned and disbelieving. Many didn't think he would really
do it. Why? Because the promise to do this was in a poem.
people used to be afraid of poets
now they don't listen anymore
- Suburban Monastery Death Poem
For levy, poetry was life. In a poem describing moving into the
world at the age of 17 or 18, he writes
i skipped the surface
& read books
—"praps i [three]"
The mind is the true field of action, not the apparent world.
The poem, for levy, is the means of communication. And
that is a big problem because of language, the word on
the page, "words that mean nothing" :
Oh sad unhappy country where all the religious priests/ where all
the old reborn holy men/ are forced to become poets. [. . .] When
i get on the wind at night it is time to move on again soon, they
are murdering the children we did not have the time to become.
And we are sitting there with the words that are as abstract as
napalm burning children, its not really happening, we're sitting
here with our poems of love, pointing to the moon for a
thousand years. . they are still watching our finger [. . .]
"Assassins wanted" PSYCHOlogical Warfare, someone wants
it in words & i dont want to be the one to say it. . .because they
can only understand it on a word level/ on a material level/
forms of energy/ let them be blinded, it has been declared in
simple terms / its the wind we ride, white horses painted black,
lasers!? some men go mad seeing the light! others return to tell
you about it Poems get written during the day, but at night we
ride white horses painted black [. . .]
-introduction to The 18th Dynasty Egyptian Automobile
Turnon by D.r. Wagner
In Tibetan Buddhism, the white wind horse of the mind is called the
Longda. "Since the horse of the mind is wind (that is to say, since
the mind rides on currents of energy), Buddhaguhya's Commentary on
the 'Concentration Continuation' speaks of holding the wind, referring
to its being easier to hold the mind to one object when the wind is
The mind - the king - surrounded by a retinue of mindfulness,
meditative stabilization, mental engagement, and so forth is
considered as being mounted on the horse of vitality (prâna).
When the horse of vitality [wind] is held, the mind – the king – as
well as the retinue will definitely be held [. . .]"
In the prose-poem above, levy is wrestling with the
insuffiency of poetic language to convey the experience of
the "light," and with the awareness that there is no other
recourse besides poetic language for one returning from
the "other shore." levy's greatness lies in that,
despite this understanding (or perhaps because of it), his
commitment to poetry is a complete one. Everything else
is secondary for him, and it is this that sets him apart. It
sets him apart from the poetic and political movements of
his time (and this is not to say that levy was not influenced
by or did not influence these movements) that tried to make
the poem serve something else, and it sets him
apart from the ideological trends that followed that try to
make the figure of the poet feed their hallucinations.
levy was unwilling that the poem serve anything. He
was shouting through deaf walls as it was.
can you imagine
a poet with a bloody handkerchief
around his fist / returning home
each night to write the same poem
over & over for five thousand years
- "praps i/7"
During his lifetime, d.a.levy contended with the herd
mentality that wanted to turn him into a cult figure or a
martyr, and since his death the trend has continued. As a
friend of mine likes to say, "A poet's worst enemies are
often his friends." This is not to point to any ill intent, but it
is in the poem that the poet lives and speaks and not in
what is said about him. In the poems one finds levy's
wit and his laughter, and these are so often missing in the
idealizations of him.
In "lettre to cleveland" (Kibbutz in the Sky,
Book 5) levy writes, addressing the city,
there are rules to the game
you haven't learned
1000 ways to destroy the
monopoly you think you have
on limited thought processes
tell me about your reality
and ill tell you
There Is No Security
in the universe
Who In The Hell
Do You Think You Are?
attempting to control god?
to stop motion!
cleveland if you think
you can corner a piece of time -
move to another galaxy
and keep pretending
but even there
we'll move over you
in a few million
cleveland I gave you
poems that no one else had time
to write
& you arrested me
in the days unborn
you will find my brothers
ARMED with words you haven't
even dreamed of
& if you insist on arresting
There Are Other Ways
you havent even dreamed of
These lines sound levy's dedication to poetry, his dedication
to the brotherhood of poets, his dedication of many
lifetimes to the realization of the poetic vision. In the last
stanza cited above, d.a.levy is already gone. But I don't
want to fall into a myth about the poet–a temptation levy
playfully declines in Kibbutz in the Sky, writing,
while in hiding and just before turning himself in to the
police, about all the media attention he had been receiving:
[. . .] HANDS OFF
were printed; Newspaper articles
appeared–& i was trying to
discover who this levy kid was
As for the newspapers, there it was not a matter of not
hearing levy, but of wild and deliberate distortion and
sensationalism – oppressive, shameful, and absurd
--being piled on top of the day-to-day experience of
enduring "the nothingness of / being a poet in america"
("Jaywalking Blues"). The dreams of the poet, the dreams
that keep our deepest feelings alive, also threaten
the structure supported by the lies of the politicians,
authorities, corporations, newspapers, television,
"the military-industrial complex," ourselves–our
whole nihilistic, materialist culture. levy realized this and
understood well the danger it entailed. And so, the white
wind horse in the prose-poem is painted black: so as to
be able to work unseen.
grow a new mind
& do it quietly
if you can
- Tomb Stone as a Lonely Charm, Part 3
levy writes not just in reaction to the culture–but with the
awareness of his own true legacy, a poetic continuum of six
millennia, a continuum in which the poet, denied any
place in the modern time of spiritual death, remains the bearer
of light. From The Rectal Eye Visions:
R. E. Vision #8 / part II – for art kleps
an exodus in autumn/the white tiger has returned
the thunder & lightening is a shock for 100 miles
AK of the AdriondAKs : the SPINing concepts
frighten me
it is sad to be a dreamer, unable to dream
a lover unable to love
a builder denied materials
All Three rowed out to sea in a sieve
gone, gone, gone to the other shore/
landed on the other shore, SVAHA!
oh well/ if the government wants to live on a war
i guess we can give them a war---------i feel a dream
death approaching, the anxiety is a bitch.
if you knew the price you will pay for this small
Worse than worshiping the golden calf you
are killing for it
consider the weight of yr possessions
america, twice this weight you will
carry when you die
for the innocent and pure of heart
i am raising the flags/ a warning of storms
Be Prepared to GO HOME LAMBS
i do not have the courage to say
this may be your last sacrifice
they will not weep on wall street
until it is too late & the tears have no meaning
there is no reason to play with death
this is not your country
when i smelled love burning/ i cried
& NOW i smell the horse of the Angel of Death
go home lambs
you are trying to build
a temple in a graveyard
YOU/have years to plan, my days are numbered
LAUGH at my fears and ignore my love
yet love & fear are the only wings to move on
when you have visited your own death
every day is the last
let yr children be born in the sun
"this country is insane"
in the world of the spirit one does not
lose what he has gained.
This "warning of storms" is from the lexicon of the sailor of Lake
Erie, of oceans, of dreams, of reality, of words, of time. In a
poem-painting, levy inscribes the words, "is that a candle in
all this darkness? ride the brain waves." He is a sailor of
the mind returning from the other shore, from HERE, hailing the
lighthouse, riding the waves.
At the close of his Lessons Schroeppel writes about
There is only one force which can be applied
in large quantities without causing an equally large
imbalance which somehow must be compensated; and that is the
force of love. But love does not control the future. Love
permits it; love admires it; love lets it happen. The minute
that you try to cause or alter some particular event, you
are no longer using in its fullest that force which is called love,
because love is a force which does not bend or alter
events, but brings them to flower in their own natural
levy makes the question about the need for poets in our
time the question of his whole being. He accomplishes this,
in part, by loving his death, by bringing it to flower.
Such is his affirmation of poetic being in the present time.
levy sees the vastness of the modern abyss and responds
to this question, as in his visual poem in which the
word "SOMA" appears above a vibrant ink drawing:
can i recall
the millennium
instead of
can i be the millennium ?
When he writes, "AND I DONT EVEN CARE" in the lines
quoted from Suburban Monastery Death Poem, above,
it is with the shrug of someone who knows his
resolve to be unshakable. To truly be a poet is to "be the
millennium." And so, levy writes for the future, and it is
from the future that we begin to hear him.
i know my dreams are unreal
but they are my dreams
In time I did use some of the things in the package from
levy in my collages, though sparingly. I used them because
I felt that this was levy's intention: to share materials for
making poetry and art the way he gave away his books
after reading them. But I used them also so that
they could not become reliquary. Some of the Tantric
prints were posted on the walls of different rooms, including
the one I write from today. I cut out and then did not use the
photo of the beautiful young witch from one of the movie
stills. In one of my collages a nude from the skin
magazine was transposed onto a crucifix. A cartoon bubble
over her head reads, "We have to stop meeting this way."
I gave to my teacher, who hid it in his desk.
1 D. r. Wagner.
2 "it is always the same / / i end up at home / with words that mean nothing" ("praps i/7").
3 Tsong-ka-pa, The Yoga of Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra: 2 and 3, trans. and ed. Jeffrey
Hopkins (London: Allen & Unwin, 1981), 112. The Longda appears on the Tibetan flag carrying the Three
Jewels of Buddhism, the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, on its back.
4 The long-standing antagonism between poetry and journalism was acute, in levy's case.
gone / to the other shore / landed on the other shore / SVAHA" appear on a painting of levy's (another
translation of the Sanskrit gate gate gate paragate is "proceed proceed proceed beyond" [S.R. Petersen,
letter to the author, November 2001]). See the d.a.levy homepage for an image of this painting.
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