Juan Gelman
(Paris, 1983-1984)
Translated by Hardie St. Martin

it's raining hard today, very hard,
and it looks like they're scrubbing down the world.
next door my neighbor watches it rain
and thinks of writing a love letter /
a letter to the woman who lives with him   
cooks washes his clothes and makes love with him
and looks like his shadow /
my neighbor never says words of love to his woman /
he goes into the house through the window not the door /
you may go into many places through a door /
workplace, headquarters, jail,
all the buildings in the world /
but not into the world /
nor into a woman / nor into the soul /
i mean / into that box or place or rain we give that name /
like today / when it's raining hard /
and i find it difficult to write the word love /
because love is one thing and the word love something else /
and only the soul knows where the two meet /
or when / or how /
but what can the soul explain /
that's why there are storms in my neighbor's mouth /
shipwrecked words /
words that don't know the sun's out because they're born and                            die on the same
night he made love /
and leave in his mind letters he'll never write /
like the silence between two roses /
or like me / writing words to get back
to my neighbor who's watching it rain /
back to the rain /
and my exiled heart /