beveling the séance daughters
Heller Levinson

     the ease of unease              paparazzi popping

bennies ‘it was just another typical Monday,’ Kerouac flouncing on vulture moss

libations knotting the necktie factory muzzled flirtations eruptive enmities twirls

of ‘clicking email, im’s, and sprint,’ the flounder is a type of fish flatter than most fluke

provides a catch – provisioning – the ample-abundant – libelous overdraft – liquidity

squeamish with desertification – landmarks absolved – clearcut – coterminous

compromise – tabernacles suspicious – guilty of syringe – uptakes provide up – struggle

with girth–

-- langoustine, lymphatic, laryngeal – labyrinthine–

suzerains subdivided & drowsy – art pierces the ceramic eyeball – cataract cremation

{culling the formidable} – ‘after all, time is money’ – longitudinal delay – comfort

runners – convenience blogs – artful dodgers – time the elapsed casualty – a shrinking

caretaking – miscreant creed – full house for the rotting – gear rattlings – career tossings –

a subsidized sycophancy–

              -- sebaceous slumlords

              -- lewd doubloons

           -- ‘Then you click Scottrade’ –

          -- energy suckled – then sucked –

               -- vetoed scarcities –

crows feet       hangnail           hunchback

        clubfoot                10q Partial Trisomy



haranguing the deformity sonata

lung the squashed accordion

                                              , sotted

                                              , refuse

                                              , litter riddled

                                                      , scarified

collapsed by screen-enslaved secondaries

                                                                          , vertebrae claimed  ((hunch chimes))


-- this is no time for poems


drowsing from a dirth of lullaby telepathy in a drench of loss leader – leadership lost –

colloquial calibrations pursuing overtime based upon an advanced hedonism–

run apace         run away         run amok

                 final huff heaving throes

                 diastolic rupture

                  click _______

‘I had a better connection in Bora Bora than I did in New Jersey.’

leaded wings thrashing, ... spent     ,

sooted flags apron the nine month belly

lout dragnets noose the vespers

the diasporic condition faces the vanished condition


schools of detritus dilemma, of a lynch concupiscence

suture to foul percussion marching to the tomb of the sinister cymbal

aviaries tuck to dwarf

tympani on the lamb


*All quoted matter taken from the Scottrade ads on Yahoo News except for ‘I had a
better ... New Jersey’ which was overheard in a dinner conversation.